
Ram Sen VS Sai Aeo

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Literature Text

“Are you ready Mire?” a young female trainer that went by the name of Aries stood with confidence and spark of fighting spirits fluttering around her. Her carmine hair was in a ponytail and two spiky side locks fell symmetrically from both sides of her pale skinned face. Lips were pale pink, eyes were a ruby color. She wore a green jean cap that brought a a shadow over her eyes making them look darker. She wore a shirt that stopped below her elbows, fingerless gloves and baggy males’ capris. She gave a little chuckle and raised her eye brow, getting more eager with each second.

The taller and older girl across the plains field was taking in deep breaths. Her hands were shaking unlike Aries’ balled ones. Her hair was in a ponytail bun, she had two one at the top of her head and bottom of her neck. She wore a turtle neck red jumper shorts and had black leggings along with long sleeves. Her black rim glasses gave her green eyes a more glow since the sun was reflecting on them. She turned to a yellowish dinosaur creature with rolled up leaves around it’s neck and one giant one on it’s forehead. “Are you?”

The creature looked even more nervous than it’s trainer. Anthousai the Bayleef. She gulped and stared at the field, her eyes were wide and her legs trembled the only thing she wanted to do was run the other way but she prepared for this. She trained for this, and she had to see it through. Mire looked to her right side where the giant owl like creature was. His beautiful brown wings flapped gentle in the wind as he hovered near her. His sharp talons were retracted and one his forehead he had this ‘U’ antenna. Aeolus the Noctowl gave her a chirp and went on to the battle field. “Anthousai? Are you alright?”

“Baay…” the grass type sighed out and took a look in her surroundings. This was the outskirts of Goldenrod City. Two elder couples were watching the battle along with their grandson Ethan, besides him was a blue mouse like creature. They all gave a little wave to give the grass type more encouragement. On the other side of the field was Aries, Rampge the Quilava and Serenity the Furret. They were her opponents. She hadn’t seen them in quite awhile, last time Anthousai saw them they had trouble battling together. They didn’t even try to work together, she wondered how much progress they made since the last time she had saw them. She and Aeolus still have trouble trying to attack at the same time as well. “This is ridiculous, why am I even here?”

Ethan, a young boy with a yellow and black cap and red sweater turned to the voice. Not only was the New Barkers Trainers were all here, but Silver as well. The red head with dark blue pants and a black and red jacket sighed and rolled his eyes at the sight. His Croconaw was out of it’s ball for wanting to see Anthousai battle. “No one forced you, you know.” Ethan replied. Silver simply scoffed and sat down at the nearby bench waiting for the battle to start. His plan was to watch Aries’ battle style and counter it for the next time they fight.

“We’re ready when you are Sai!” Aries shouted. The grass ultimate nodded and got on the field. As she did Serenity hopped and Rampage dashed to his place. The elder man, Ethan’s grandfather nodded and went in between the two trainers, holding out his hands with his palms out. “Are the trainers ready?” he asked with a slight shout for both of them to hear.

Aries’ fist balled even more, getting more eager for this battle. -The last time Mire saw us in a attempt of a double battle, we ended up only hurting ourselves. He barely managed to pull it off at Bugsy’s gym. But that was then, and this is now.- The Analyzer glanced at her Pokémons, they were in their battle stance and ready to launch. “We’re ready on this side!”

Mire turned her attention to Anthousai, she knew Aeolus was always prepared, and Caelius didn’t mind, it was Anthousai who always got nervous before battle. Which made things rather difficult. The leaf Pokémon turn to her trainer and nodded, giving out the sign that she can and will do this. “Well, it seems we’re ready on this side too!”

The elderly man nodded and placed his hands down. “Let the battle begin then!”

Ethan right away stood, feeling as eager as the rest of the. Aries gave a smirk, and twisted her torso, lashing out her arm already prepared with her battle plan. This wasn’t just any battle, she wanted, needed to show mire and Ethan how much she grew, the many things she learned and how she is not to be taken lightly. “Rampage, Smokescreen! Serenity Follow Me!” with adrenaline bursting throughout Aries’ veins, it made her Pokémons that much more serious.

The moment those words escape her mouth, Silver paused. “Follow Me…? With the smokescreen a move like that won’t work.” Silver scoffed and closed his eyes to look at the side. Ethan laughed at the redhead and looked at him with a slight ‘know-it-all’ expression. Mire screamed a bit and covered her eyes as the smoke started to consume them. Noctowl was unaffected by this unlike Anthousai. Knowing about Serenity’s Keen Eye Ability, Mire knew she had to put a break to whatever Aries had planned next. “Anthousai! Razor at all angles! Aeolus use reflect!”

The elderly woman gave a confused look. “Now why would she do that…”

Ethan, being the sensitive guy he is and always heaving a weak spot for grass types- couldn’t help but jump to Mire’s side in this battle. “Ah! Mire think about the attack Aries used!!”

The male redhead snapped his attention back to the battle. -Aries used to travel with Mire, she knew this would be the attacks she would pick as a counter… I see then.- “Mire! Think about where Quilava is!”

Aries opened her mouth with shock and turned to the male redhead. “Hey! Who’s side are you on!?” Silver sweat drop and didn’t answer, his Croconaw simply chuckled in his claws.

Their voices and advice didn’t go unheard. But it was too late. Remembering the move Follow me was used, Mire knew that was simple a distraction, using that attack meant the razor leaf would head towards Serenity, in her ebst guess, Serenity was far from where Rampage is. “Anthousa-”


“NO“ Mire flinched and gasp. Here green eyes were widen as Anthousai was sent to her back by a ball of fire. The smoke around the grass ultimate started to disappear a bit. “Aaahh!! Anthousai, are you okay?” Mire went towards her Pokémons and tried to help her up. However the moment she bent, another cry of pain was heard from behind her. Mire gasp and turned to see Aeolus being bashed to the ground by Serenity. “Aahh!!”

Marill face palm along with Croconaw. Ethan’s eye twitched as he sweat dropped. “She… completely forgot about her other Pokémon…”

“Their harmonize levels are screeching at each other.” Ethan’s grandmother said. Silver looked towards her, not exactly understanding what she meant. “Even though it’s rough, Aries and her Pokémons harmonize levels are connected, more importantly so is the two Pokémons.”

Ethan knew his mother was somewhat of an Analyzer, she was one of the greatest trainers in double battling so anything she said was meant to be taken serious. “You mean Mire’s Pokémons aren’t getting along?” Silver was now completely lost in the conversation. Meanwhile, Serenity and Rampage both hopped back to their place at the field. The smoke was still there but lighting up, Mire was panicking as her Pokémons started to stand up once more.

The grandmother shook her head. “Mire has great insynchronizing waves coming from her, she just doesn’t know how to use them. Where to place them and how much to use. Aeolus is refusing to try with Anthousai, and Anthousai is mainly lost. Their not just unbalance, they are chaotic.”

Silver gave up trying to follow and focused on the battle. Aries hummed in a smile and lashed out her arm once more. “serenity, Helping Hand!” seeing how Silver never made it passed Rampage in their battles, any thing Serenity did was new to him. The Furret started to pat the ground with her little paws and kept this up until she found a beat to follow. Her little pitter patter became drumming, slowly white aroma like waves started to come off the ground and surround her. Mire was too preoccupied with the scene to launch an attack. With Serenity’s signature clap, the white waves swiftly started to swirl around Rampage and then went inside his flames.

The fire type Pokémon’s flames around his bottom and head went out as they did. Aries smirked, Rampage lowered his front into a more vicious pose and the next second fire burst right out and was three times as bigger, hotter and stronger than before. Mire and Anthousai had gasped at the sudden power surge and felt more uneasy about this. Silver himself was taken back, there was a chance of him surviving a double battle with the Analyzer in training. Mire clenched her teeth and thought fast. “Anthousai, Synthesis!”

“Bay!” She quickly made her leaf stand high and took in the sunlight to heal her burns. “Aeolus, confusion on Rampage!”

Follow Me!“ Aries barely hesitated on the move. Serenity was faster than Aeolus and quickly went to the middle of the field. She stood on her front paws and made her tail stick up high in the middle. Her body glow, and Aeolus stopped flying to look at her with interest. Mire yelped and started to panic once more.

“MIRE! GET BAYLEEF OUT OF THERE!” Ethan had his eyes wide with shock and fear. The Rookie Researcher glance at Ethan then back to the center of the field. She saw her friend bring her cap down and had this eerie smirk.

“Flame Wheel.”

“Waah! Anthousai!”

Serenity kept her pose, and chuckled slyly. Behind her, a heated fire ball went around her and straight towards Aeolus, attacking him head on. The owl Pokémon cried out with pain and was bashed back down to the ground. Mire yelped and let the fear in for a second. “the at was a Critical hit alright Aries!” Ethan cheered with a fist pump.

The one second cost Mire the battle as the flame wheel kept going towards Anouthsai. “BAAAY!!” the grass type screamed out from the flames. Mire flinched and moved out of the way, watching her Pokémon get thrown back. Luckily the reflect was still intact and let Anthousai remain standing. Unluckily Aries saw that coming before Mire did. “Serenity, end it now with Headbutt.”

“Ah! Mire watch out!” Ethan let his mouth drop and looked extremely worried for Mire’s side. Silver angry marked and was already fed up with Ethan’s constant side switching. “Who’s side are you on?!” in reply Ethan flinched and sweat dropped.

The flames around Rampage vanished leaving only a bit of sparks here and there. Rampage was in mid air and, focused and calm. Right beneath him was Serenity, she jumped up swiftly, causing Rampage to roughly backflip. He gave her a dash of Ember to boost her speed and power. Serenity smirked darkly and somehow controlled the Ember to embraced her body, making her own kind of Flame Wheel. The moment Rampage’s legs touched the ground, Serenity had already Tackled the Bayleef into Zoned. “No! Anthousai aahh!”

Mire brought her hands to her lips and covered it trying to prevent herself from screaming anymore. Ethan and Marill winced at the impact Anthousai took as she fell. Serenity backflipped before she touched the ground and ended up right next to her Partner in the battle with ease. “Fuurrr~” “Quiaa!” “Yeaheah!” Aries cheered, her foots barely left the stance she put them in since the beginning of the battle.

“This battle is won by Aries, Rampage and Serenity!”

Mire’s eyes were still widen, slowly she sank to her knees and was still confused by it all. The Grandfather was rather shocked himself, Ethan and Silver were left awe, both of them had their eyes a bit more stretch than normal and couldn’t find the reason to close their mouths. A soft exhale came from the both of them, very much like Mire they were left awe and confused. Ethan’s grandmother however nodded and watched Aries give both of her Pokémons affection from their victory. Ethan shook his head and ran over to Mire to help her with her zoned out Pokémons. “Hmm..”

Silver still couldn’t find it in his mind to stop staring. Half was field was scotched from Rampage’s flame. Alone, the little furball was impossible to beat, but with that Furret at his side, he’s power becomes three times as strong as before. His mind replayed the important parts of the battle, throughout the whole time Aries barely flinched, she commanded both of her Pokémons and they seem to have worked together rather well. The conversation Ethan had with his Grandmother was starting to make a bit more sense now. “So this.. Is my Rival…?”

Aries was cuddling her Furret as Rampage dusted off himself, he didn’t like being hugged by the girl in which at times she forgets and gets burned as a price. Ethan’s grandmother walked over towards Aries to congratulate her on the victory. Seeing that battle made her want to take the girl under her wing. She treated Pokémons right, and well Ethan did need a girlfriend. “Mire, do you know what went wrong with that battle?”

The older teen looked up at Ethan as he healed Anthousai, Aeolus had tough it out and refused any medical treatment that was not given by his trainer. “Other than me being the trainer, no not really.”

Ethan chuckled and gave her a smile. “I used to be like you. I panicked whenever me and Aries had a battle, but over time I grew out of that fear. Though I barely battle, but I can if I have too.” Mire felt a little bit better. Most trainers from New Bark weren’t able to battle and were sort of on the shy side. But not Aries, she was the only kid in the town that wasn’t a bully and knew how to fight, in all kinds of ways.

“The what?”

“Well, you kept focusing on one Pokémon at a time. You kept forgetting the other.” Mire looked back at the battle, what he said was true. She mainly focused on Anthousai and left Aeolus hanging. “There isn’t just two Pokémons on the field, there’s four. Aries knew that. She knew Aeolus can see through the smoke, and that Razor leaf was an attack that hit all opponents. She used that smoke to her advantage in many ways.”

“And I just screamed ahah..” Ethan chuckled weakly at Mire’s reply.

“You weren’t the only problem. Aeolus had many chances to help Anthousai but he choose not too. Did you see Rampage?” Ethan helped the grass type up back to her feets and gave her a pet on the head. “He knew Serenity had perfected Helping Hand and used Ember on her as a power boost.” Mire looked towards Aries, she was picking on Silver or having an argument about something. She knew she failed, and that they had lost because of her.

But Ethan had a point, even though Serenity and Rampage hated each other in the beginning and probably still do, in battle they were helping each other. In the end it was her fault for never trying to help Aeolus get over his trauma. Ethan stood up, and held out his hand for Mire to grab. “As the trainer it’s our job to know the things our Pokémons don’t and help them use their abilities to fight off others.” she took his hand and stood up, nodding to his words. Ethan then looked towards Aeolus and added a bit more backbone into his voice. “And as the Pokémon, it’s your job to help out your partner when you can every chance you can and this applies to your teammates as well.”

In reply, the Noctowl cooed harshly and turned his face away. “Baay..” the rookie smiled weakly at her grass type and placed her arms around her. “Oh hey, it’s okay. Its my fault we lost not yours.”

Ethan placed his hand on Mire’s. “It’s no one’s fault. No one would have lasted more then two minutes with Aries in a double battle.”

“Fine then! Let’s have a double battle right now!” Mire and Ethan all looked at the shouting rivals.

Silver seem taken back by this and tried to get himself out of. “What!? I don’t want to hear how your lost only because you were in another battle!”

“Did you even WATCH the battle, we didn’t get hurt! Let’s do this!”

“No way!”

“Why not!?”

“Because I-… I have to go now!”

“AUH. What happened to your balls!? Did those tight ass jeans squish them completely?!”


Mire covered her mouth to stop the incoming giggling. Ethan had no shame or regret whatsoever to laugh out loud. And thus another day passed.
WOW okay, this is the first thing in a LONG time I wrote without taking any breaks or stopping to do something else. I just wanted to write this and it was fun! I need more work on my spelling and grammar and well battles but heck~ I’m just happy I didn’t start to hate myself while writing this, and that’s improvement for me~

So in my page you can see an ongoing game called SoulSilver main game. And the trainer is me Aries, and her team is displayed just right below her. Rampage and Serenity~~~ <3 OTP CHILDHOOD OTP FEELS. I LVOE THEM SO MUCH OTL <3
Twin and I got to talking about them and thanks to her~~ I was able to write with feels, so I dedicated this to you lovely twin (which explains why this isn’t put in scarps like the other battle I wrote)

SILVER W00T~~ Ethan~~~ AND MIRE~~ <3
So I’ll just talk about the characters for a lil bit. Mire is this girl from New Bark who admires Elm and wants to be like him (go to new bark, this girl legitly exist) idk why I got attached to her and made her into a real character yay! Mire~~ how you pronounce her name not even I know LOL! She is a HORRIBLE battler as you can see and even worse with double battles, but she wants to learn sense her Pokémons are kind of useless on their own XDU
I LOVE double battles, I’m insanely in love with them and that is why Aries is good with them//shot yes Aries is me, other wise Rampage’s name would be different XD
Anthousai and Aeolus, their names come from Greek myths which is sort of Mire’s nicknaming theme. Rampage and Serenity aka OTP are my precious babies <3 I use them in all double battles (THERE SHOULD BE MORE) and beware~ I’m rather good -w- <3

So this is a random battle Mire and Aries~ Silver and Ethan are there for idk dialogue reasons? The grandparents yes~~ and pretty much it XD

That Helping Hand needs to be in a contest appeal round honestly. Amg <3
Okay enough rambling, hope it was a okay Twin =w= <3 I need more battle writing experience OTL;;
Ending, sorry it was suppose to end with Silver saying ‘this is my rival’ but it didn’t sound right but the more I kept writing the longer it got so I just cut it sorry horrible with endings OTL;;

:bulletyellow: Aries
:bulletred: Mire
:bulletred: Rampage
:bulletorange: Serenity
:bulletblue: Ethan
:bulletpurple: Silver
:bulletpink: Anthousai
:bulletblack: Aeolus
:bulletwhite: River
:bulletyellow: Marill


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Aries, Mire, Rampage, Serenity, Anthousai, River and Aeolus belongs to © Galax Co.
Pokémon, Silver and Ethan belongs to © Tajiri Satoshi. (Developed by Game Freak. Published and Owned by Nintendo.)
Fanfiction & Plot details belongs to © Radiant Rainbow/Aries Rampage/Celestic Wonders. Rampage & Galax Co.
© 2013 - 2024 PrismaticMemories
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chococustard's avatar
since eifi already pretty much covered everything i'll cut it short#SLAP

kay i'm done#SLAP